Beyond HR: Expanding People Analytics's Value to the Business

People Analytics is at a pivotal moment post-pandemic. We now face a choice: either revert to our traditional HR reporting roles or continue to extend our reach into the organization and operations, where we can deliver significant strategic value. In this post, we share 3 sample analyses illustrating how People Analytics can extend its impact beyond HR.

The Benefits of People Analytics in Enterprise

Five key value propositions for People Analytics at the enterprise level, from operational efficiencies to employee engagement and retention.

How to Measure Leadership Performance (with real data)

Augment traditional leadership metrics with new and holistic KPIs to better measure and enhance how leaders shape work culture and business success.

Manager Effectiveness: 5 Metrics That Matter More than eSat Scores

If you’re judging Manager Effectiveness based on eSat scores, you’re moving too slowly. eSat scores are lagging indicators of how it’s going. Here are 5 metrics that matter more than eSat scores if you're looking to more effectively lead your team.

Manager Effectiveness: It's Time for a New Playbook

The pandemic fundamentally changed what it means to be a good team manager. Dive into 3 key shifts in modern management effectiveness in 2024.

12 Meeting Metrics for Efficient & Effective Collaboration

Want to make meetings more effective and efficient at your company? Discover 12 key metrics that make a difference.

Worklytics Benchmarks: See How You Compare

"Is this normal?" We get asked that a lot. With Worklytics Benchmarks, you'll see how your company compares to peers across key metrics like time spent in meetings, workday span, collaboration habits, and more.

Do Top Performers Work Longer Hours?

When we combine work data with performance reviews, 2 key trends emerge: (1) Working longer hours does not lead to better performance scores. (2) Working intensely does. Instead of measuring your time at work, consider measuring your work intensity: amount of work done / time spent working.

The Importance of Passive Listening

The shift to hybrid work has prompted forward-thinking organizations to reevaluate their traditional employee listening strategy. Active listening – typically done via semi-annual or quarterly employee surveys – continues to play an important role in understanding sentiment. But leaders are now augmenting those survey results with passive listening tools that allow them to understand the real-time behavioral drivers of employee attitudes. Here's a 3-step process for how that works in practice.

6 Work Metrics that Matter During an Economic Downturn

Amid persistently high inflation, volatile market conditions, and uncertainty on consumer demand and sentiment, companies are increasingly starting to freeze hiring. Teams are quickly realizing that they need to find ways to work more efficiently with limited resources. How do organizations work to adapt to these new challenges? Here are some metrics we’re seeing companies use to gain visibility into how their teams are working and to help optimize how they work and collaborate to get more done in an increasingly constrained environment.

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