Top Workplace & People Analytics Blog Posts

How to Make People Care About Your Insights

We all know the allure of diving deep into a dataset and generating some fascinating insight. But all too often, insights end up being interesting without actually being useful. For insights to deliver real value, they must drive action. Here’s a guide of best practices to help ensure your insights lead to impactful change.

Best DORA Metrics Alternatives

Looking for DORA alternatives? We compare top options and discuss how adding holistic workplace KPIs can improve the big picture.

What Is Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS)

What is an Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS)? How does it inform business and management decisions? Learn more with Worklytics.

Using ONA to Find Optimal Team Size

When you flatten an organization, you’re increasing manager span with the intent to decrease decision-making time. With fewer layers of approval, the assumption is that work gets done faster. But with more direct reports, manager span is stretched, which may degrade the quality of the work. So how do you strike a balance between speed and span? Here’s what the data tell us.

Key Metrics for Internal Mobility and Succession Planning

Discover key metrics for internal mobility and succession planning. Learn how Worklytics' data-driven insights can enhance employee development and retention.

Introducing Two New Metrics: Fragmented & Interrupted Time 

Ever feel like it’s getting increasingly difficult to focus on important tasks at work?‍ You’re not alone. Research shows that a rise in interruptions from meetings, emails and instant messaging is disrupting people’s ability to get individual work done. ‍People’s workdays are increasingly chopped up into dozens of tiny fragments of free time. Most of these small fragments are too short to allow for any real deep work or thinking.‍

Beyond HR: Expanding People Analytics's Value to the Business

People Analytics is at a pivotal moment post-pandemic. We now face a choice: either revert to our traditional HR reporting roles or continue to extend our reach into the organization and operations, where we can deliver significant strategic value. In this post, we share 3 sample analyses illustrating how People Analytics can extend its impact beyond HR.

Industry Trends: Insights from H1 2024

Feel like you haven't been getting enough focus time lately? (🙋‍♀️) Turns out you're not alone -- based on our team's research, 70% of individual contributors have less than 3.5 hours available each day for deep, uninterrupted work. This and more in our first Industry Trend mini-report!

Guide to Data-Driven Employee Listening

Enhance employee listening by combining traditional surveys with Worklytics' data analytics. Gain real-time insights for better engagement and satisfaction.

How to Improve Manager Effectiveness

Learn how to identify and support effective managers using Worklytics' live behavioral data and actionable insights for ongoing improvement.

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