Real-Time Dashboards for Organizational Workflow

Intelligence on work and collaboration patterns with leading and lagging indicators that drive business results.
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In-Depth Visualization of Work Trends

Analyze hundreds of real-time metrics on work habits across meetings, emails, online interactions, document management and more.

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Benchmarks and Recommendations

Answer complex questions on employee experience and work habits that drive business results via our expertise and decision support capabilities.  Our insights and recommendations provide a clear path forward towards decisive action and sustainable results.

Explore Over 200 Custom Metrics

Use our visual navigator to explore and learn about over 200 different metrics describing work and collaboration patterns in your organization.

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Protect Employee Privacy

Analyze work and collaboration without putting people’s privacy or company data at risk.

Fully Anonymous

Learn how we anonymize employee data using the Worklytics Pseudonimization Proxy and by aggregating metrics to the group level.

Work Content Never Analyzed

Worklytics does not store or analyze any work content whatsoever. We only use exahust/log data to understand workflow and collaboration.

Improve Employee Experience

Worklytics is fully focused on improving the day-to-day work-life of employees using only anonymous work data. No creepy browser plugins or software monitoring people’s laptops.


As a Data Processor, Worklytics provides all the reporting and controls required to ensure that you are able to comply with common privacy regulation such as GDPR
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