Meeting Effectiveness Updates - July 2018

In July 2018 the Worklytics Meeting Effectiveness reports were updated with a number of improvements and new features, driven by feedback from our users. This included fixes to a few bugs identified in the underlying data for certain users which may have impacted the accuracy of their results. For more detail see our list of detailed updates below:

  • Managers can now see a graph of the time individuals team members invest in meetings
  • Events over 7 hours in length are are assumed not to be meetings and are excluded from counts
  • Updates to data on organizational structure and reporting lines to ensure more accurate reports
  • Fix to a bug caused by deleted recurring meetings – some users were impacted by a bug whereby old recurring meeting that had been previously deleted were still counted in overall time in meetings
  • Fix to a issue caused by incorrect data on the times of certain events exported from Office 365 which resulted in over-counting of over all time in meetings for some users.

For the latests updated information on our how reports are generated please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page

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