New Review Questions Engine

This month we are introducing a powerful new Questions Engine for Worklytics Reviews. As well as a complete redesign of the questions interface, we now support questions rules based on reviewer role. This new feature will allow you to customize review questions based on both the role of the person completing the review, as well as the role of the person being reviewed.

For instance, if a Developer is reviewed by another developer, they can be prompted with questions about code quality and architecture. Whereas if the reviewer is another role such as Product Managers or Designer, any code related questions can be automatically hidden and skipped.

The new Questions Engine provides review admins with greater control over review questions and will result in far better quality responses. We’ve written previous blog posts about the importance of ensuring questions and review content are as relevant as possible to the context of each individual. This is yet another way in which we are helping you ensure that feedback shared is as relevant and valuable as possible.


Here's a view of the new Questions Engine user interface


Questions based on reviewer role are defined within rules on the interface. Review admins can add exceptions to ensure that rules only apply to certain roles. See below and example of a rule applying only to the Software Engineering role:


In addition, we have expanded the set of question templates available for each role. Browse our template bank to find the questions that best suit your organization and modify them as needed. See the Questions Templates Interface Below:

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